Best Peyton Manning Autograph Ever


Peyton Manning has probably signed hundreds of thousands of autographs for fans.

I don’t often foray into the world of autographs, so I’m not sure what Manning’s autographs typically look like.

However, a photograph of personalized Manning autograph was floating around social media on Saturday morning and it’s an ode to Manning’s famous Nationwide commercial.

Manning easily has the best sense of humor of any player that could be considered the “face of the sport”.

He’s known as a relentless worker, but also as a tireless jokester. His numerous commercials and appearances on Saturday Night Live are a certainly a testament to his reputation as a prankster.

In case you forgot about the “Chicken Parm” jingle, here’s the Nationwide Commercial where it began.

And, for what it’s worth, here’s a shirt, presumably made by fans, that features the jingle.

Hmmm, I think I know what I’m having for dinner…..