Butch Jones Calls Florida Loss Lowest Moment Of Career


Tennessee’s loss to Florida in 2014 was the worst loss the Vols’ have suffered since the Derek Dooley debacle against LSU in 2010.

The Vols had been predicted by almost every expert to finally break through and end their nine game losing streak to the Gators.

Tennessee led most of the game, but the offense was unable to score a touchdown and Florida eventually prevailed 10-9, after a late Justin Worley interception.

It was a deflating loss to put it mildly.

So how does Butch Jones reflect on that loss?

Well, he was pretty blunt on Tuesday evening when discussing the loss, telling the Big Orange caravan crowd in Atlanta that it was the “lowest moment” of his career.

Let’s be clear, ALL coaches want to win more than almost anyone else. But it’s still nice to see that Jones looks back on the loss to Florida with the same pain as decades long Vol fans.

Jones understood the magnitude of that game. He understood what it would’ve meant for the program to finally beat Florida. He was ready to blow the lid off Neyland in celebration.

But the celebration never came and the Vols were forced to go right back to work.

I don’t know if the Volunteers will beat Florida in 2015. But I’m positive that the losing streak to the Gators will end on Butch Jones’ watch.