Tennessee football: Vols 10 most memorable field goals in school history

26 Oct 1996: Place kicker Jeff Hall #4 of the Tennessee Volunteers celebrates with holder Jason Price #10 after Hall kicked a field goal during the Volunteers 20-13 victory over the Alabama Crimson Tide at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee.
26 Oct 1996: Place kicker Jeff Hall #4 of the Tennessee Volunteers celebrates with holder Jason Price #10 after Hall kicked a field goal during the Volunteers 20-13 victory over the Alabama Crimson Tide at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee. /
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7. 2007: Daniel Lincoln, 33-yard field goal

Tennessee beats Vanderbilt 25-24

The last time Tennessee football won the SEC East was 2007. It was Phillip Fulmer’s last good year before the season that got him fired, and it took great senior quarterback play, a favorable schedule, resiliency, a heck of a lot of luck and solid kicking from Daniel Lincoln, a freshman at the time, to win the division.

Senior Day against the Vanderbilt Commodores had all of these things. At the time, the Vols were 7-3 with two conference losses, just like the 8-2 Georgia Bulldogs, and they had the head to head tiebreaker over UGA. So they just had to keep surviving. But Vandy was one of many games that showed it might not happen.

The ‘Dores jumped out to a 24-9 lead over the Vols. Also, Lincoln uncharacteristically missed an extra point. That made a huge impact, as Tennessee couldn’t tie it with a two-point conversion after scoring two touchdowns. So they were down 24-22 late.

But thanks to a fourth-quarter punt return by Dennis Rogan, the Vols got the ball in good field position. They then moved into Vanderbilt territory to allow Lincoln to try a 33-yard field goal to win. The freshman had the hopes of the East riding on him.

Lincoln nailed it, giving Tennessee a 25-24 lead. It took one more missed field goal by Vanderbilt to secure the win, which adds to the luck part, but Lincoln’s kick was crucial nonetheless. As a result, it belongs on the list and was part of a memorable stretch run for UT fans.