Tennessee football: Vols 10 most memorable field goals in school history

26 Oct 1996: Place kicker Jeff Hall #4 of the Tennessee Volunteers celebrates with holder Jason Price #10 after Hall kicked a field goal during the Volunteers 20-13 victory over the Alabama Crimson Tide at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee.
26 Oct 1996: Place kicker Jeff Hall #4 of the Tennessee Volunteers celebrates with holder Jason Price #10 after Hall kicked a field goal during the Volunteers 20-13 victory over the Alabama Crimson Tide at Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee. /
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2. 1998: Jeff Hall, 41-yard field goal

Tennessee beats Florida 20-17

Jeff Hall gets to be on here for a third time, showing just how clutch he is. Literally the next game after his game-winning field goal against Syracuse on the road, Tennessee football needed him to save them again.

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The Vols had fought their guts out in a defensive slugfest against the Florida Gators. This team had owned them at that point, winning five straight and dominating the final four of them. Ranked No. 2 in the country, they were expected to win again with Peyton Manning gone.

But a stingy defense that forced five turnovers, an offense that protected the ball and made big plays when needed and a few breaks set them up for overtime. Finally, Tennessee would have the chance to end the streak.

This was also their first overtime game in school history. And it started off awful. A penalty pushed the Vols out of field goal range and set up a 3rd and long. They were in trouble. In response, Tee Martin had a scramble called for him and ran 14 yards, just enough to put UT in Jeff Hall’s range.

But Hall would still have to nail a 41-yard field goal from the left has mark. And given how the series had gone to that point, that was a lot of pressure. Well, it wasn’t for him. And in his most clutch kick ever, he drilled the kick.

Tennessee football’s defense held the next drive, and Florida’s Collins Cooper missed his field goal. That would not have happened if Hall had missed his, as he would have been given a more centered kick. As a result, Hall’s field goal was the difference. He saved the Vols for two straight weeks to set off their national championship run.